Filming in Myddelton Square

Movies and TV

Myddelton Square is a popular location for movies and TV productions, and it is not uncommon to see film crews in the area. The square has consistent Georgian architecture few visible modern additions, which has made it a particularly popular location for period films and dramas. Facilities in the church in the square (St. Mark's, Clerkenwell) are available to hire for film crews.

Major productions filmed in Myddelton Square include:

Many smaller productions and scenes have been shot in Myddelton Square, and nearby Claremont Square has also been used as a location, including for:

Filming in Islington is co-ordinated via the Islington Film Offfice. The Myddelton Square Association can help liaise between production companies and local residents. In the past, larger film crews have also made use of the community hall and facilities in the church. MSA and the church have both been the grateful recipient of contributions from film companies, which have been put towards funding various projects to benefit the square and local community. These include improvements to the church entrance, the restoration of the water fountain, re-planting of the flower-beds in the gardens, and most recently the installation of new metal railings around the central flower bed.